Dental crowns in Tijuana

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a cap that covers a tooth or dental implant in order to restore the tooth function, size, shape, color, strength and to improve the appearance. For the dental crown making, we must reshape the tooth size so we can give the proper space to the restoration material to fit in.

When do you need a dental crown?

-When an old crown needs to be replaced

-When a tooth is missing and needs a bridge

-For an implant rehabilitation

-After a root canal treatment

-When the damage of the tooth is too large (due to caries or fracture) that can’t be treat it with an onlay.

-When the enamel structure is too weak

-When a tooth is too worn down

-For cosmetic reasons

Types of crowns

Dental crowns can be made out of different materials. This will depend on several factors such as teeth, jaw and bite structure; type of bite; dental treatment and other important issues that can be point out in a clinical evaluation. These are the types of dental crowns in Tijuana, that you can get visiting the best dental office, Advanced Smiles Dentistry.

  • Full porcelain
  • Ceramic
  • Zirconia fused to porcelain
  • Full zirconia
  • Full metal
  • Gold
  • PMMA (temporary Crown)
  • Metal fused to porcelain
  • Resine Crown

Based on the American Ceramic Society we are aware that more than 50% of United States population have either a crown(s) or a bridge. Dental reconstructions are more common that we might think. Remember to visit your favorite dental office, have a routine dental checkup and find out what are your dental needs.