

These type of prothesis are made for patients to wear during the healing period following tooth removal, they can replace a tooth or even a full arch.

When the teeth are extracted the surrounding tissues will suffer dimensional changes in a process known as resorption, the greatest amount of resorption occurs within the first 4 to 6 months following the teeth extraction, that is why is important to use an immediate denture.

Procedure Steps


For an immediate denture it will be necessary a proper planning and pre-operatory procedures by your dentist. He will take a couple molds of your mouth and will send them to a dental laboratory for the fabrication of your immediate denture.


The next step is to have your surgical treatment and once it’s finished you will leave with your prosthetic. Once the oral tissues heal, it’s probable that you will need a reline to have a better fit of your denture.

When do you need this?

You will need an immediate denture if you are planning to have a surgical procedure in your mouth.


and Symptoms

Although dental pain can be present when having a tooth fracture or cavity is important to remember that in can also be asymptomatic, meaning that the only way to detect them is with periodic visits to your dentist and trough a complete oral evaluation, asymptomatic cavities can clinically be perceived as brown or dark spots on the surface of a teeth.



Immediate dentures are temporary they should be replaced with a final prothesis once the healing period is over. In the beginning it may be difficult to adapt to these types of dental prothesis.



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