Dental Crowns or Dental Veneers

Dental crowns and dental veneers are a great cosmetic option to restore or improve your smile. Although these cosmetic dental procedures have different process, the results for both are very functional and aesthetic. However, is important to say that firstly you need a general consultation. After consultation, the cosmetic dentists will give the best cosmetic dental options for you.

After all, you need to know the following information before going to your favorite dentist in Tijuana.

What is a dental crown?

A crown is a cap that covers the tooth. A restoration to recover the tooth function and aesthetic. Tooth preparation: the dentist will shave down the tooth so the dental crown can fit properly.

What is a dental veneer?

Firstly, know that here at Advanced Smiles Dentistry, we can offer two types of veneers: composite veneers and porcelain veneers.

Composite veneer: made of dental restorative material that mimics the color of the tooth. The material is so manageable that can be reshape to change the length and bottom shape.

Porcelain veneer: thin porcelain layer that is bonded on the surface of the tooth. The tooth is previously shaved down to avoid ending up with a thick tooth.

How to know if crown or veneers are the best for me?

To sum up, these dental cosmetic options can have great aesthetic and functional results. As long as you are an ideal candidate for the procedures the outcome can be great. A consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists in Tijuana is enough to know if you are candidate for cosmetic dentistry. Besides, the diagnosis that can be provided by our multidisciplinary dental team, our dental office is fully equip with the latest dental technology.

Contact us today and save the date to visit the best dentist in Tijuana!