June: Pride Month

Today begins Pride month which dedicated to celebrate LGBTQ + communities all around the world. At Advanced Smiles Dentistry we want to share all alliance and bring awareness to our dental community in Tijuana, Mexico.

Nowadays diversity is no longer limited to religion and ethnicity. Diversity can reach everything from mental and physically ability; to race, religion, social economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation…


LGBTQ+ Dental Health

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In reality vulnerable communities such as LGBTQ + population are in the high risk of oral diseases due the lack of inclusiveness. Since the discrimination factor, most non heterosexual people don’t feel comfortable visiting medical care, in this case dental care.

Therefore, is important that the oral health professionals, acquires the necessary skills to provide equal care to all.

All things considered we can say that our dental clinic in Tijuana understand the disparities of the LGBTQ+ community and any other vulnerable population. Under those circumstances we strive to continue inclusiveness, awareness, education, and celebration.

Since all of the dentist in Advanced Smiles Dentistry are certified they took an oath to provide the best oral health care to all. By all means we want you to know that visiting the best dental clinic in Tijuana, Advanced Smiles Dentistry, you can feel in a safe space to improve your oral health.

We openly invite the LGBTQ+ community to schedule an appointment with us. Remember that your oral health is the window to your overall health. It should have to pass year until you visit the dentist for an emergency. Preventive dentistry is the key to keep smiling.

Given these points, you can feel safe to schedule an appointment for a dental check-up. By living the Advanced Smiles Experience you will also save money with our dental prices.

Smile with pride all the time.