Neodent® NeoArch® Immediate fixed full-arch solution

Missing teeth? Teeth fall out for a number of reasons. For example, never treated tooth decay, gum disease, mouth injuries, etc.

As a result of missing teeth, you can develop several oral problems. For instance, low self-esteem affecting your social life. Eating problems can start directly related to your overall health. In addition, bone loss, shifted teeth and gum disease can be teeth problems related to missing teeth.

Immediate Fixed Full-Arch Denture

Advanced Smiles Dentistry, dental office in Tijuana, offers you Neodent® Implant System. An optimized solution for immediate fixed implant denture. This type of system allows for improved patient satisfaction and quality of life by immediately restoring function and esthetics according to survey results.

Indeed, all on x implant denture bring more functionally and aesthetics than a traditional denture. Equally important implant supported dentures can help to regain your confidence; restore your ability to eat. Also increase the chance to preserve your bone and let’s remember that this dental restoration option is a lifelong solution.

NeoArch® Work Flow

The best implant specialist in Tijuana has protocols by the book in order to deliver quality dental work at very affordable dental prices.

  1. Preoperative planning

Clinical consultation where CT scan is taken, along with set of individual xrays so the prosthodontist can know your oral state.
First comes the digital planning: implant distribution and prosthetic definition.

  1. Surgical process

Surgical preparation and implant placement.

  1. Prosthetic follow up

Abutment placement, to take impression for the final restoration

  1. Follow up

Denture cleaning and care

Looking for the best dental solutions in Tijuana? If you want get high quality dental care at affordable dental prices. Advanced Smiles Dentistry has qualified, experienced and caring dentist ready to help you improve your oral health and achieve your dental goals.

Save up to 70% in any dental service visiting Advanced Smiles Dentistry. Besides you can use your US dental insurance at the best dental office in Mexico.