Make the right choice:Porcelain veneers or Braces

Both treatments are ideal for improving the look of your teeth and smile. However, in order to know which is the ideal dental procedure for you the best dentists in Advanced Smiles Dentistry will perform a full evaluation.  The cosmetic dentist will take studio photos and x-rays to determine the dental treatment that better suits your case. As a result of all the high dental-tech we can provide a thorough examination.

Should you choose braces or veneers to straighten your teeth?

All things consider it’s important to notice the main function of each treatment.

Porcelain Veneers: While minor gaps or rotations can be dealt with porcelain veneer. This cosmetic procedure is more intended to provide aesthetic improvements regarding stained, chipped or cracked teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment:  braces focus more on severely misaligned or gaps between teeth, overbite, underbite and cross bite.

Braces before cosmetic dental procedure

Shape, size and misaligned teeth are the main factors of bad perception of a smile. Therefore, most people look into porcelain veneers. Generally speaking, patients that have gone through braces are more satisfied with the final result of their smile that they don’t feel the need to do the veneer work anymore. Because their teeth are aesthetically harmonious.

Bonus treatment*

In some cases where teeth shape and size are favorable, but not color 1 or 2 shades can be improved with a whitening after the braces are removed.

On the opposite scenario patients that have finished the orthodontic treatment feel that there are still cosmetic aspects that they would like to improve go through the veneer’s treatment after.

Having an orthodontic treatment before the cosmetic treatment is ideal in the majority of the cases.

Is it worth it to have braces done before veneers?

Regarding cosmetic dentistry, this is the most common question asked in the dental practice. Because the braces treatment might extend the whole process up to 2 years, depending on each particular case.

Doing ortho process first will leave you with a less invasive veneer treatment since the dentist will have to shave less enamel to prepare your teeth for the porcelain veneers.

Braces in Tijuana cost less than USA braces, nevertheless you should consider that it will require monthly appointments over the treatment period. The best ortho in Advanced Smiles Dentistry can offer you from traditional metal braces, clear or zafiro braces and Invisalign.