4 Most common reasons for tooth extraction

Advanced Smiles Dentistry dental team will always choose to treat the affecting problem rather than just pull a savable tooth. However, there are circumstances where the dental piece is compromised beyond repair, and the only option is to pull it out.

Our certified dentists have concluded through their experienced, 5 most common reasons to get a dental extraction.

Periodontal Disease (gum disease)

An untreated periodontal problem affects directly to the ligaments, gum tissues and bone structure. In this case, the supporting structures begin to degenerate and the teeth becomes loose. Teeth may fall out by their own or may require to be extracted by a surgical dental team.

Overcrowded teeth

Even though recurring to remove permanent teeth due overcrowded teeth is most frequently in teenagers, is one of the most common reasons.  When teeth crowding is present, the orthodontist will recommend to extract teeth to make more space in your mouth. For this reason, the braces specialist can correct an overcrowded and misaligned bite.

Severe tooth decay

Accordingly, to the best dentist in Tijuana can take years for a tooth decay to affect the dental piece to the point of killing it.  Therefore, in order for a tooth decay be the reason to have a tooth pull out, is because you have been avoiding the dentist for several years.


Luxation (loosening of a tooth) and fracture (breaking of dental tooth) are the common types of damage can result from a traumatic accident: car crash; fall out; body contact collision, etc.

In essences you can prevent 50% of the chances to lose a permanent dental piece. For example, if you visit your dental clinic for routine checkups. Your dentist can spot in time any dental issue before becomes something of major care.

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